The YAAAS! Competition is one of the four competition sections, and one of the modules of the YAAAS! Youth Program at CROSSING EUROPE that established a holistic program for film literacy, the acquisition of media competency and DIY-video production in 2019.
In the YAAAS! Competition, the YAAAS! Youth Jury awards the festival prize CROSSING EUROPE Award – Youth Jury (€ 3000,- powered by VdFS Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden). This year, the jury chose to award the film PETITES / LITTLE ONES (FR 2022, Julie Lerat-Gersant).
The YAAAS! Competition is a selection of current European feature films that are hand-picked by the YAAAS! Young Programmers. After a rigorous sighting process they decide on seven feature films that deal with the living realities of youths and young adults in Europe in different ways.
After an introduction to the process of curating a film festival in late autumn they come to a selection of seven feature-length fiction films (all of them celebrating their Austrian premiere), that deal with the lived realities of youths and young adults in various different ways.

Films in this section: