9-tas Žingsnis
The 9th Step
A stirring coming-of-age portrait of two teenagers, one of whom, Linas, is already 40 and the father of the other. Caught somewhere between mid-life crisis and his conquered addiction, Linas just about manages to prevent his life from sinking into complete chaos and to resist the daily temptations of drink. And yet when his teenage daughter Ieva, after a night of excess, is ordered to live with him and brings her highly flirtatious friend Maja in tow, Linas' steadfastness is put to the test; in every sense. Thus begins a fascinating and touchingly narrated rollercoaster ride of emotions, one on which traditional roles become blurred and the situation soon becomes a little too intimate for everyone involved. (Joshua Jádi, FilmFestival Cottbus)
Director's Filmography (Selection)
9-tas Žingsnis (The 9th Step, 2022) - The Morning After (2015, short)
9-tas Žingsnis (The 9th Step, 2022) - The Morning After (2015, short)
YAAAS! Competition 2023
Irma Pužauskaitė
Lithuania 2022
93 minutes
Lithuanian OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Eglė Vertelytė
Cinematography Jacek Podgorski
Editing Dominykas Kilčiauskas
Sound/Sounddesign Vytis Puronas
Music Domas Strupinskas
With Valentin Novopolskij, Gerda Čiuraitė, Angelina Daukaite, Marius Repšys, Lina Rastokaitė
Producer(s) Lukas Trimonis, Ieva Biliūnaitė
World Sales
Film Republic
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
FilmFestival Cottbus 2022