Szabad Egyetem
The Free University
Schier unmögliche Herausforderungen erwarten dieser Tage in Ungarn unter anderem auch Studierende: Die liberale, von Milliardär und Philanthrop George Soros gegründete Central European University in Budapest wurde der Orban’schen Regierung ein Dorn im Auge. @Szabad Egyetem@ begleitet die Widerstand leistenden, aktivistischen Studierenden bei ihrem Kampf für den Verbleib ihrer Universität. In Zelten am Lajos-Kossuth-Platz vor dem Parlament entfalten sich Hoffnungen, Diskurs und Zusammenhalt. (Jakob Dibold)
In 2018, Hungary banned gender studies degrees, subjected the Academy of Sciences to direct political control and exiled Central European University: the first European country to force out a university since World War II. By fall of 2018, it became clear these attacks on academic freedom were symptoms of a wider, more sinister trend. The situation is dire: democracy is disintegrating. @The Free University@ follows students and allies of the Central European University as they struggle to resist attacks by an authoritarian government. (Jonathan Hunter)
Director's Biography
Jonathan Hunter & Lucie Janatová: Born in Great Britain, Jonathan Hunter moved to Budapest in 2016, and studied documentary filmmaking and philosophy at Central European University (CEU). He now works as a freelance filmmaker in Florence, Italy. Lucie Janatová studied political science at CEU, and after her Master’s Degree moved to Florence, where she is pursuing her PhD in political sociology at Scuola Normale Superiore.
Film selection: Szabad Egyetem (The Free University, 2019, doc)
Film selection: Szabad Egyetem (The Free University, 2019, doc)
Crossing Europe Extracts 2020
Jonathan Hunter, Lucie Janotová
Ungarn 2019
54 Minuten
Ungarisch / Englisch OmeU
Kamera Jonathan Hunter, Lucie Janotová, Ifra Asad, MacKenzie Nelson, Adam Hushegyi, Jeremy Braverman, Frederik Ørskov
Schnitt Jonathan Hunter, Lucie Janotová, Ádám Hushegyi
Ton/Sounddesign Jonathan Hunter, Lucie Janotová, Ifra Asad, Mackenzie Nelson, Ádám Hushegyi
Musik Black Elk, Ian Hawgood, Danny Norbury
Mit students of CEU, the people of Budapest
Produzent*innen Mackenzie Nelson, Lucia Janotová
Fahej Productions
Fahej Productions
Verzió Film Festival Budapest 2019
World Premiere Verzió Film Festival Budapest 2019
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