Pismo tati

A Letter To Dad

Srđan Kečas Vater stirbt im Krankenhaus, ohne jemanden über seine Einweisung informiert zu haben. Doch warum hat der Vater so gehandelt? Im Kopf des Sohnes häufen sich unbeantwortete Fragen, vor allem beim Durchsehen alter Fotos, Briefe und Videokassetten. Fragen über seine Kindheit im damaligen Jugoslawien, über die Beziehung seiner Eltern und über den Krieg, der einen tiefen Eindruck hinterlassen hat. In diesem sehr persönlichen Film spricht der Regisseur mit seiner Mutter, alten Jugendfreunden des Vaters und seinem alkoholkranken Onkel. Durch die emotionalen Dialoge kommen nach und nach auch die Antworten zu Tage, die Srđan Keča zu finden versucht. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse teilt er mittels Off-Stimme fortwährend seinem Vater mit: „Hey Dad, Mom has been protecting you all these years.“

„Hey Dad, you died suddenly.“ The filmmaker, trying to make sense of the way his father chose to die, opens several boxes, all that is left behind. The forgotten photos, letters and home videos take the film back to 1970s' Yugoslavia, when his parents became lovers. But the journey through the years, to family members, lost friends and places, reveals the lingering horrors of the recent Balkan wars still tearing people and families apart. A film that, in the most immediate way, questions the individual responsibility of ordinary people caught in the winds of war.

Director's Biography
Srđan Keča, born 1982 in Pancevo, former Yugoslavia. Studied filmmaking at the Ateliers Varan and subsequently the National Film and Television School in Great Britain, and now lives both in London and Serbia. A LETTER TO DAD had its international premiere at International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2011 and was nominated for the Silver Eye Award for Best Mid-Length Documentary. In the same year he was also awarded the Discovery Award at Film Festival Cottbus. // Films (Selected): AFTER THE WAR (2006), MIRAGE (2011), PISMO TATI (A Letter to Dad, 2011)
European Panorama Documentary 2012
Srðan Keča
Serbien / Großbritannien 2011
48 Minuten
Drehbuch Srđan Keča
Kamera Srđan Keča
Schnitt Katherine Lee
Ton/Sounddesign Tudor Petre
Musik Alcyona Mick
Srđan Keča National Film and Television School Beaconsfield Studios Station Road HP9 1LG Beaconsfield Great Britain T +44 149 467 123 4 festivals@nfts.co.uk www.nfts.co.uk