Mitten in der sibirischen Taiga, 700 Kilometer vom nächsten Dorf entfernt, leben zwei Familien in völliger Autarkie. Es gibt keine Straße, die sie mit dem Rest der Welt verbindet; nur nach einer langen Bootsfahrt über den Jenissej und einem Flug mit dem Hubschrauber kommt man hierher. Zwischen den Grundstücken der beiden Familien verläuft ein hoher Zaun. Denn die Braginys und die Kilinys sind zerstritten. Clément Cogitores Film erzählt auf poetische Art einen erschreckenden Moment des Versagens der Zivilisation. (Lotte Schreiber)
First, a dream. Then the helicopter lands into Braguino, a small village in the heart of the Siberian taiga. A community of "Old Believers", an ancient cult, chose to settle there in the 17th century to live according to their own laws. An Eden? Not quite. The river that flows through the village acts as a border between two territories. The Braguine, who live on one side, and the Kiline on the other, are perpetually ghting. The director films from the Braguine side, only showing the Kiline from a distance. Clément Cogitore delivers a dense and emotional narrative reminiscent of John Ford, revealing the Wild East's harsh reality. (FIDMarseille)
Director's Biography
Clément Cogitore
Clément, born in 1983, is a French artist whose film-making and photography explore the potent questions of how images are made and their active role in human constructions. In 2015, his first feature film “Neither Heaven Nor Earth” enacted, through fiction, the metaphysical quest for meaning in a world at war.
Film Selection: Braguino (2017, doc) — Ni le ciel, ni la terre (Neither Heaven Nor Earth, 2015) — Bielutine, dans le jardin du temps (Bielutine, in the Garden of Time, 2011, short doc) — Among Us (2011, short)
Clément, born in 1983, is a French artist whose film-making and photography explore the potent questions of how images are made and their active role in human constructions. In 2015, his first feature film “Neither Heaven Nor Earth” enacted, through fiction, the metaphysical quest for meaning in a world at war.
Film Selection: Braguino (2017, doc) — Ni le ciel, ni la terre (Neither Heaven Nor Earth, 2015) — Bielutine, dans le jardin du temps (Bielutine, in the Garden of Time, 2011, short doc) — Among Us (2011, short)
Architektur und Gesellschaft | Architecture and Society 2018
Clément Cogitore
Frankreich / Finnland 2017
50 Minuten
Russisch OmeU
Drehbuch Clément Cogitore
Kamera Sylvain Verdet
Schnitt Pauline Gaillard
Ton/Sounddesign Julien Ngo Trong, Franck Rivole
Musik Eric Bentz
Produzent*innen Cédric Bonin, Pascaline Geoffroy, Kaarte Aho
Seppia, arte
Weltpremiere / World PremiereFIDMarseille 2017
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere
Kombi-Programm (68 min)
NETTOYER SCHAERBEEK / Cleaning Schaerbeek