Otan o Wagner sinantise tis ntomates
When Tomatoes Met Wagner
Können Dokumentarfilme Spaß machen? Marianna Economou beweist, dass das geht. Zwei findige Cousins aus dem kleinen griechischen Dorf Elias tun sich mit einigen älteren Damen des Ortes zusammen, um Tomaten zu züchten und diese in Gläsern mit Reis und Gewürzen als Original-Bio-Produkte in die ganze Welt zu exportieren. Zunächst muss einiges herumprobiert werden, bevor alles passt, aber dann ist der Siegeszug nicht mehr aufzuhalten – möglicherweise auch deswegen, weil die Tomaten, während sie auf den Feldern heranreifen, mit der Musik Richard Wagners beschallt werden. (Andreas Ungerböck)
Encircled by mountains, the plain of Thessaly has always provided food for Greek farmers. But recently the region has hit rock bottom due to the economic crisis. Here lies Elias, a farming village of 33 inhabitants, with no shops, no school or even a priest. This is where the farmer Christos has decided to turn over his land to the organic cultivation of tomatoes – and the tiny village opens up to the world. After centuries of insular existence, everything is stirred up by the humble tomato, and the village's 33 elderly inhabitants find themselves having to respond to a new reality. (Berlinale)
Director's Biography
Marianna Economou: Marianna Economou is a Greek director who studied anthropology, photo journalism and film in London. Since 2000, Economou has been producing and directing documentary series and independent films in cooperation with European broadcasters including the BBC, arte and YLE. Her film “The Longest Run“ was nominated for a European Film Award in 2016 and won the VER.DI Award for Best Documentary at DOK Leipzig. Film Selection: Otan o Wagner sinantise tis ntomates (When Tomatoes Met Wagner, 2018, doc) - O pio makris dromos (The Longest Run, 2015, doc, CE'16) - Food for Love (2013, doc) - Odos Sfaktirias (Twelve Neighbors, 2009, doc) - Bells, Threads & Miracles (2008, doc) - Please Listen to Me (2007, doc) - Gia mia thesi ston horo (My Place in the Dance, 2006, doc) - To sholeio (The School, 2001, doc)
Crossing Europe Extracts 2020
Marianna Economou
Griechenland 2019
72 Minuten
Griechisch / Englisch / Französisch OmeU
Drehbuch Marianna Economou
Kamera Argyris Tsepelikas, Marianna Economou, Dimitris Kordelas
Schnitt Evgenia Papageorgiou
Ton/Sounddesign Pavlos Christoforakos
Produzent*innen Spiros Mavrogenis, Rea Apostolides, Yuri Averof
STEFI & Lynx, Anemon
Rise and Shine
Berlinale 2019
World Premiere Berlinale 2019