The Orphanage
Afghanistan, Anfang der 1990er Jahre: Der 15-jährige Quodrat lebt in Kabul auf der Straße. Als er auf dem Schwarzmarkt überteuerte Kinotickets verscherbelt, wird er kurzerhand von der Polizei in ein von den Sowjets geführtes Waisenhaus gesteckt. Dort setzen besonders die Älteren dem Neuankömmling zu. Während sich rund um Quodrat die politische Lage zuspitzt, die postsowjetische Regierung die Kontrolle über Afghanistan verliert und die islamistischen Mudschaheddin ihre Herrschaft ausbauen, träumt er sich fort in die heile Welt seiner geliebten Bollywood-Filme. (Sabine Wimmer, YAAAS! Young Programmer 2020)
@The Orphanage@ surveys war-torn Afghanistan through teenage eyes, assessing the daily impact of the country’s prolonged unrest. In her sophomore feature, Afghan writer/director Shahrbanoo Sadat combines the bleak reality of life during the civil war of 1989–1992, the daily routines weathered by anxious boys, and flights into Bollywood fantasy, crafting an empathetic and assured follow-up to 2016 Cannes Directors’ Fortnight Art Cinema Award-winner @Wolf and Sheep@ which also continues to interrogate the feeling of being swept away by someone else’s struggle. (Sarah Ward, Screen)
Director's Biography
Shahrbanoo Sadat: Shahrbanoo Sadat is an Afghan writer and director, based in Kabul. She studied at Atelier Varan in Kabul. Her first feature film, “Wolf and Sheep”, based on the diary of a friend, was developed with the Cannes Cinéfondation Residence in 2010. Shahr - 20 years old at the time - was the youngest ever selected. The film won the main award at Director’s Fortnight 2016. “The Orphanage” is her second feature and is based on the same friend's diary. Film Selection: Parwareshgah (The Orphanage, 2019) - Wolf and Sheep (2016) - Not at Home (2013, short) - Yeke Varune (Vice Versa One, 2011, short)
Crossing Europe Extracts 2020
Shahrbanoo Sadat
Dänemark / Deutschland / Frankreich / Luxemburg / Afghanistan / Katar 2019
90 Minuten
Dari / Russisch / Hindi-Urdu OmeU
Drehbuch Shahrbanoo Sadat
Kamera Virginie Surdej
Schnitt Alexandra Strauss
Ton/Sounddesign Sigrid DPA Jensen, Anne Gry, Friis Kristensen
Mit Qodratollah Qadiri, Sediqa Rasuli, Masihullah Feraji, Hasibullah Rasooli, Ahmad Fayaz Osmani, Ehsanullah Kharoti, Anwar Hashimi, Asadullah Kabiri, Fridoon Muradi, Karan Jeet Singh, Waris Muradi, Sediqa Rasuli, Abdul Rahman Formoli, Daria Gaiduk, Nahid Yakmanesh, Yama Yakmanesh, Arthur Köstler
Produzent*innen Katja Adomeit, Marina Perales Marhuenda, Xavier Rocher, Jani Thiltges, Shahrbanoo Sadat
Adomeit Film, La Fabrica Nocturna Cinéma, Samsa Film, Wolf Pictures
Cannes Film Festival 2019
World Premiere Cannes Film Festival 2019