Nicht bald schwanger zu werden ist für Lume keine Option, eine jüngere Frau wäre gar schon bereit, sie zu ersetzen. Unter dem Druck von Ehemann Ilir und Schwiegermutter Remzije fügt sie sich in die Obhut obskurer Mystiker - scheinbar sogar mit Erfolg. Immer heftiger jedoch brechen sich auch Lumes verdrängte Traumata Bahn. Das kosovarische Dorf in Antoneta Kastratis bildmächtigem Debüt wird so Schauplatz eines sinnbildlichen Sozialdramas, das die Wunden des Kosovo-Krieges vom Persönlichen in das kollektiv Weibliche erhebt. (Jakob Dibold)
Haunted by her long-suppressed past and pressured by family to seek treatment from mystical healers for her infertility, a Kosovar woman struggles to reconcile the expectations of motherhood with a legacy of wartime brutality, in documentarian Antoneta Kastrati’s deeply personal feature debut. Exploring the deep and everlasting wounds of war, Kastrati portrays a community where the treatment for loss can at times seem archaic and nonsensical. @Zana@ is a cinematic homage to the endurance of women and a powerful release of unspeakable suffering. (Dorota Lech, Toronto International Film Festival)
Director's Biography
Antoneta Kastrati: Antoneta Kastrati was born in Zahaq, Kosovo. She holds a master's degree in journalism from the Kosovo Institute of Journalism and Communication, and attended the American Film Institute Directing Workshop for Women. She has directed the short documentaries “Seeking Magic” and “She Comes in Spring”. “Zana” is her feature debut. Film Selection: Zana (2019) - She Comes in Spring (2013, doc short) - Laleh (2012, doc short) - Robin (2012, doc short) - Seeking Magic (2008, doc short)
Crossing Europe Extracts 2020
Antoneta Kastrati
Kosovo / Albanien 2019
97 Minuten
Albanisch OmeU
Drehbuch Casey Cooper Johnson, Antoneta Kastrati
Kamera Sevdije Kastrati
Schnitt Antoneta Kastrati, Brett W. Bachman, Michal Reich
Ton/Sounddesign Igor Popovski, Owen Granich-Young
Musik Dritero Nikqi
Mit Adriana Matoshi, Astrit Kabashi, Fatmire Sahiti
Produzent*innen Casey Cooper Johnson, Sevdije Kastrati, Dritan Huqi, Brett Walker, Miguel Govea
Crossing Bridges Films, On Film Production, alief
alief films
Toronto International Film Festival 2019
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status: Austrian Premiere Weltpremiere / World Premiere:
Toronto International Film Festival 2019