The Father
Grozeva und Valchanov sorgten bereits mit den Sozialparabeln @Urok@ und @Slava@ für Furore, und auch @Bashtata@ konnte sich schon mehrere internationale Preise sichern. Mit schwarzem Humor wird von einem zerrütteten Vater-Sohn-Verhältnis erzählt: Während der Sohn schnell mit dem Tod der Mutter abschließen und zu seiner Frau nach Sofia möchte, will der Vater per Medium Kontakt mit der Verstorbenen aufnehmen. Kommunikations- und Generationenprobleme werden gekonnt mit einem satirischen Blick auf das Bulgarien der Gegenwart verbunden. (Oliver Stangl)
Vasil has just lost his long-time partner in life, his wife Ivanka. When a woman at her funeral proclaims that the dead woman called her cellphone, Vasil seeks out the help of a well-known psychic in order to contact his wife. His son Pavel tries to bring him to his senses, but Vasil insists on doing things his own way… @The Father@ is an intimate family drama about the difficulties of connecting with those close to us, featuring many of the carefully arranged absurd or comic situations typical for the Bulgarian filmmaking duo. (Lenka Tyrpáková, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)
Director's Biography
Kristina Grozeva & Petar Valchanov: Kristina Grozeva, born in 1976, and Petar Valchanov, born in 1982, are a writer-producer-director-couple based in Sofia, Bulgaria, who have been working together ever since film academy. Their fiction feature debut "The Lesson" was awarded at numerous international festivals. "The Father" won the main prize at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.
Film Selection: Bashtata (The Father, 2019) - Slava (Glory, 2016, CE'17) - Urok (The Lesson, 2014, CE'15) - Reki bez mostove (Bridgeless Rivers, 2013, doc) - Skok (Jump, 2012, short)
Film Selection: Bashtata (The Father, 2019) - Slava (Glory, 2016, CE'17) - Urok (The Lesson, 2014, CE'15) - Reki bez mostove (Bridgeless Rivers, 2013, doc) - Skok (Jump, 2012, short)
Crossing Europe Extracts 2020
Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov
Bulgarien / Griechenland 2019
87 Minuten
Bulgarisch OmeU
Drehbuch Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov
Kamera Krum Rodriguez
Schnitt Petar Valchanov
Ton/Sounddesign Tencho Moskov
Musik Hristo Namliev
Mit Ivan Barnev, Ivan Savov, Tanya Shahova, Hristofor Nedkov
Produzent*innen Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov, Konstantina Stavrianou, Irini Vougioukalou
Abraxas Film, Graal Films
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2019
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status Austrian Premiere
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2019