In Zeiten der Klimaänderung scheint künstliches Licht nur ein weiterer Störfaktor für die Natur zu sein. Unsere Telefone verwandeln uns aus der Ferne zu Glühwürmchen, einem bizarren Spiegel der Natur gleich. Wie Nachtfalter werden wir vom Licht angezogen, durch Displays, Beleuchtungen oder Kinoleinwände. Wie lange werden wir uns in dieser durch Licht erzeugten Traumwelt wohlfühlen, bevor wir merken, dass uns der Boden unter den Füßen zu heiß wird?
In a time of climate change, artificial lights seem just another disturbance of nature. From the distance, our phones turn us into fireflies, quite like a bizarre mirror of nature. We are drawn to the light like moths, by displays, lighting or movie screens. How long are we going to feel fine in this light-generated dream world before noticing that the ground beneath our feet is getting too hot?
Director's Biography
Karol Kensy aka Kensee, born in Szubin, Poland, in 1988, grew up nearby Linz. He studied time-based and interactive media arts at the University of Arts Linz and works as a beat maker and music video producer. Filmographie Regie (Auswahl)
Moth (2020, short) - Bella Vita - Da Staummtisch feat. Skero (2019, music video, CE'20) - Roots (2018, music video, CE'19) - Schene neie Wöd (2016, short, CE'17) - Moving Mountains ft. Abu Gabi, Katharsis, The Unused Word (2016, music video, CE'17) - Feelings (2014, music video, CE'15) - Dreaming - Flip ft. AG (2013, music video, CE'14) - Million Ways To Die, One Way To Def (2013, mid-length doc, CE'14) - Yes We Jam Cypherspace Part 3 (2013, music video) - Chill-ill – Sorry fr. Kinetical (2013, music video) - Imma nu da söbe, sicha ned da gleiche – Andi & Alex ft. Skero (2013, music video) - Grauer Star - Andi & Alex ft. Skero (2013, music video)
Moth (2020, short) - Bella Vita - Da Staummtisch feat. Skero (2019, music video, CE'20) - Roots (2018, music video, CE'19) - Schene neie Wöd (2016, short, CE'17) - Moving Mountains ft. Abu Gabi, Katharsis, The Unused Word (2016, music video, CE'17) - Feelings (2014, music video, CE'15) - Dreaming - Flip ft. AG (2013, music video, CE'14) - Million Ways To Die, One Way To Def (2013, mid-length doc, CE'14) - Yes We Jam Cypherspace Part 3 (2013, music video) - Chill-ill – Sorry fr. Kinetical (2013, music video) - Imma nu da söbe, sicha ned da gleiche – Andi & Alex ft. Skero (2013, music video) - Grauer Star - Andi & Alex ft. Skero (2013, music video)
Crossing Europe Extracts · Festivaltrailer · Local Artists 2020
Karol Kensy
Österreich 2020
1 Minuten
Drehbuch Karol Kensy
Kamera Kristof Müllegger
Musik Karol Kensy
Mit Vivian Bausch, Radix Skateshop