All Now, All Free!

Testen und zurückschicken: Aus dem Angebot eines Onlinehändlers schafft Michael Heindl gleich zwei Kunstwerke – und hinterfragt die absurderen Seiten des Kapitalismus.

Test and send back: An online retailer's offer is used by Michael Heindl to create two artworks at once – and to question the more absurd aspects of capitalism.

Director's Biography
Michael Heindl (*1988, Linz) lives and works in Vienna and Scharten. In his work, Heindl is interested in the possibilities of art in public space. Phenomena of everyday life often serve as the starting points. LENTOS Art Prize winner in 2016.
Filmographie Regie (Auswahl)
All Now, All Free! (2020) - Stones (2019; CE'20) - Budget Rebellion (A Clandestine Workers Tale) (2017; CE'18) - Hard-headed Harmony (2019; CE'20) - Theory of Colours (2017; CE'18)
Local Artists 2021
Michael Heindl
Österreich 2021
7 Minuten
ohne Dialog