Applaus, Applaus.

Applause, Applause.

Kurzanimation über die Verbindung zwischen der ökonomischen Situation von Menschen in systemerhaltenden Berufsgruppen und deren körperlicher und emotionaler Verfassung.

Short animation showing the connection between the economic situation of people in essential work groups and their physical and emotional condition.

Director's Biography
Sarah Braid (*1993, Schärding) lives and works in Vienna and Upper Austria. She studies media art and expresses her concepts in various visual mediums, especially painting and animation.
Filmographie Regie (Auswahl)
Applaus, Applaus. (Applause, Applause., 2020) - Irmas nächtliches Erlebnis (Irma's Nighttime Experience, 2020) - Dem Koch's schoafe Messer (The Cook's Sharp Knife, 2020)
Local Artists 2021
Sarah Braid
Österreich 2020
1 Minuten
Drehbuch Sarah Braid
Kamera Sarah Braid
Schnitt Sarah Braid
Musik Sarah Braid
Produzent*innen Sarah Braid