Kur po xhirohej një film
When Shooting a Film
Xhanfise Keko und die Kinderbuchautorin Shpresa Vreto behandeln das in Albanien tabuisierte Thema Scheidung. Der sensible Kinderdarsteller in einem Partisanendrama versucht, seine getrennten Eltern wieder zu vereinen. Nachdem ihr Ehemann, der Dokumentarfilmmacher Endri Keko, 1979 bei einem Autounfall schwer verletzt wurde, begann Xhanfise nach ernsteren Filmstoffen zu suchen. Vieles an Kur po xhirohej një film entstand aus den Erfahrungen mit einem ihrer kindlichen Akteure, dessen Eltern sich am Set von Tomka dhe shokët e tij stritten.
Xhanfise Keko and children’s book author Shpresa Vreto tackle Socialist Albania’s taboo subject of divorce. A sensitive child acting in a partisan drama tries to reunite his separated parents. After her husband, documentary filmmaker Endri Keko, was seriously injured in a 1979 car accident, Xhanfise began searching for more serious screen material. Much of When Shooting a Film’s story was drawn from the director’s personal observations of one of her child actors and his fighting parents on the set of Tomka and His Friends.
Director's Biography
Xhanfise Keko
Albanian director Xhanfise Keko (1928-2007) utilized the children’s film genre to express personal concerns not found in the work of her male contemporaries. In the 1950s, Keko studied documentary filmmaking in Moscow. She then spent a decade shooting and cutting newsreels of military parades and communist party conferences. From 1971 to 1984, Keko directed a remarkable run of nearly a dozen features.
Film Selection: Taulanti kërkon një motër (1985) - Një vonesë e vogël (1983) - Kur po xhirohej një film (When Shooting a Film, 1981) - Partizani i vogël Velo (1980) - Tomka dhe shokët e tij (Tomka and His Friends, 1977) - Malësorët pas komisarëve (1976, doc) - Tingujt e luftës (1976) - Qyteti më i ri në botë (The Newest City in the World, 1974) - Mimoza llastica (Spoiled Mimoza, 1973)
Albanian director Xhanfise Keko (1928-2007) utilized the children’s film genre to express personal concerns not found in the work of her male contemporaries. In the 1950s, Keko studied documentary filmmaking in Moscow. She then spent a decade shooting and cutting newsreels of military parades and communist party conferences. From 1971 to 1984, Keko directed a remarkable run of nearly a dozen features.
Film Selection: Taulanti kërkon një motër (1985) - Një vonesë e vogël (1983) - Kur po xhirohej një film (When Shooting a Film, 1981) - Partizani i vogël Velo (1980) - Tomka dhe shokët e tij (Tomka and His Friends, 1977) - Malësorët pas komisarëve (1976, doc) - Tingujt e luftës (1976) - Qyteti më i ri në botë (The Newest City in the World, 1974) - Mimoza llastica (Spoiled Mimoza, 1973)
Spotlight 2019
Xhanfise Keko
Albanien 1981
61 Minuten
Albanisch OmeU
Drehbuch Xhanfise Keko, Shpresa Vreto
Kamera Petraq Lubonja
Schnitt Shpresa Papapavllo
Ton/Sounddesign Gezim Sula
Musik Aleksander Peçi
Mit Gentian Basha, Viktor Zhusti, Marjeta Ljarja, Violeta Dede, Sokol Angjeli
Kinostudio Shqiperia e re
Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror I Filmit
Albanien 1981
Weltpremiere / World Premiere Albanien 1981
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere