Je vois rouge
I See Red People
Als 1989 der Eiserne Vorhang fiel, war Bojina acht Jahre alt. Wenig später nahm ihr Vater sie aus Bulgarien nach Paris mit. 25 Jahre später kehrt die junge Frau allein nach Sofia zurück. Sie spürt, dass in der Vergangenheit ihrer Familie Unausgesprochenes lauert. Waren ihre Eltern privilegiert? Gab es Verbindungen zur Geheimpolizei? Bojina beginnt, ihre Eltern mit unangenehmen Fragen zu konfrontieren und gräbt immer tiefer in der Familiengeschichte. Was sie findet, gefällt weder ihr, den Eltern, der Großmutter, noch ihrem Fahrlehrer: Ihr Filmprojekt könne fatal sein, sagt dieser, "du könntest es dein Leben lang bereuen."
After twenty-five years spent in France, filmmaker Bojina Panayotova returns to Bulgaria, camera in hand, with a vertiginous suspicion: what if her family collaborated with the political police of the communist regime? And what if they were part of the "red trash" that the demonstrators on the street want to see disappear? She decides to investigate and to film, constantly, ready for anything. Her adventure transforms itself into a tragicomic odyssey, a mix of espionage and family film.
Director's Biography
Bojina Panayotova
Bojina Panayotova was born in Bulgaria in 1982. She was 8 years old when she came to France. Panayotova acquired a Master's in philosophy from the Ecole Normale Supérieure and then enrolled at La Fémis. She directed several shorts selected for many international festivals and also works as a scriptwriter. “I See Red People” is her first feature film as director.
Film Selection: Je vois rouge (I See Red People, 2018, doc) - Cosmonautes (Cosmonauts, 2014, short) - Gospel Bulgare (Bulgarian Gospel, 2011, mid-length doc) - À domicile (Home Match, 2009, short) - Si je tombe (If I Fall, 2008, short)
Bojina Panayotova was born in Bulgaria in 1982. She was 8 years old when she came to France. Panayotova acquired a Master's in philosophy from the Ecole Normale Supérieure and then enrolled at La Fémis. She directed several shorts selected for many international festivals and also works as a scriptwriter. “I See Red People” is her first feature film as director.
Film Selection: Je vois rouge (I See Red People, 2018, doc) - Cosmonautes (Cosmonauts, 2014, short) - Gospel Bulgare (Bulgarian Gospel, 2011, mid-length doc) - À domicile (Home Match, 2009, short) - Si je tombe (If I Fall, 2008, short)
Cinema Next Europe 2019
Bojina Panayotova
Frankreich / Bulgarien 2018
83 Minuten
Bulgarisch / Französisch OmeU
Drehbuch Bojina Panayotova
Kamera Bojina Panayotova, Xavier Sirven
Schnitt Léa Chatauret, Elsa Jonquet, Bojina Panayotova
Ton/Sounddesign Bojina Panayotova, Xavier Sirven
Musik Emilian Gatsov
Mit Bojina Panayotova, Milena Mikhaïlova Makarius, Nicolaï Panayotov, Toshka Mikhaïlova, Silvina Mikhaïlova, Kamen Draganov, Xavier Sirven
Produzent*innen Roy Arida, Arnaud Dommerc
Stank, Andolfi
Syndicado Film Sales
Berlinale 2018
Weltpremiere / World PremiereBerlinale 2018
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere