Lep pozdrav iz svobodnih gozdov
Greetings from Free Forests
Beim Streunen durch die dicht bewaldete Landschaft Südsloweniens trifft Ian Sorokas Lep pozdrav iz svobodnih gozdov auf Geschichten, die aus dem Land selbst kommen: Der Film unternimmt den Versuch einer visuellen Archäologie, indem er die Schichtungen von Erinnerung und Geschichte aufgräbt, die in Sloweniens majestätischen Wäldern verborgen sind. Das Ergebnis ist ein experimenteller Dokumentarfilm, der Zeitzeugenberichte, Landschaftsbilder, Nachrichtenarchivmaterial und Szenen aus Partisanenfilmdramen kombiniert, und dabei die Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Natur, Geschichte und Erinnerung erkundet. (Carlota Centonze, Cineuropa)
Greetings from Free Forests paints a vivid picture of the forests of southern Slovenia, where the landscape is alive with memory. The film’s attractively verdant visuals are layered with a variety of voices exploring the forest’s past and present, with particular focus on its role as a commune for partisans during WWII. The film moves discursively rather than didactically; offering a mixture of perspectives on the landscape’s past and present. Soroka’s film not only conveys what makes this land such strange sanctuary, but also what makes landscape in general such a bountiful resource for non-fiction filmmakers. (Matt Turner, The Brooklyn Rail)
Director's Biography
Ian Soroka
Ian Soroka, born in Colorado in 1987, studied cinema and philosophy at the University of Colorado, in Prague at FAMU, and Art, Culture and Technology at MIT. His work has screened internationally in festival, gallery and museum contexts including Centre Pompidou, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and Kinoteka, Ljubljana. "Greetings from Free Forest" was the winner of the international competition at DocLisboa 2018.
Film Selection: Lep pozdrav iz svobodnih gozdov (Greetings from Free Forest, 2018, doc) - Nevada: Of Landscape And Longing (2012, short) - Nostalgia (2007, doc short)
Ian Soroka, born in Colorado in 1987, studied cinema and philosophy at the University of Colorado, in Prague at FAMU, and Art, Culture and Technology at MIT. His work has screened internationally in festival, gallery and museum contexts including Centre Pompidou, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and Kinoteka, Ljubljana. "Greetings from Free Forest" was the winner of the international competition at DocLisboa 2018.
Film Selection: Lep pozdrav iz svobodnih gozdov (Greetings from Free Forest, 2018, doc) - Nevada: Of Landscape And Longing (2012, short) - Nostalgia (2007, doc short)
European Panorama Documentary 2019
Ian Soroka
Slowenien / Kroatien / USA 2018
98 Minuten
Slowenisch / Serbisch / Englisch OmeU
Drehbuch Ian Soroka
Kamera Ian Soroka
Schnitt Ian Soroka
Ton/Sounddesign Anna Winter, Barbara Rosenberg
Musik Anders af Klintberg
Mit Voice: Saša Hajzler
Produzent*innen Ian Soroka, Barbara Rosenberg, Luka Rukavina, Sarah Noor Phoenix, Anna Winter
Pica Pica Productions, Plan 9 Produkcija, Antitalent, 100
Festival of Slovenian Film 2018
Weltpremiere / World PremiereFestival of Slovenian Film 2018
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere