Reflections. Director's Cut

Über Spiegelungen in Fotoschaukästen zeigt uns REFLECTIONS. DIRECTOR’S CUT das moderne Leben in der Stadt Sarajewo. Die Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien stammen von Milomir Kovačević, der diese 1992 während des kriegerischen Konflikts in der bosnischen Hauptstadt aufnahm. Unsere Reise beginnt auf einer Brücke in einem neuen Stadtviertel: Wir sehen zeitgenössische Wohnbauten und vernehmen die idyllischen Geräusche des Flusses. Dann finden wir uns in einem Innenhof wieder. Gespiegelt in der Abbildung eines jugendlichen Soldaten mit Maschinenpistole beobachten wir, wie die friedliebenden Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner – vorwiegend Kinder und Ältere – Alltägliches verrichten. Im Hintergrund ruft eine Mutter den Namen ihres Sohnes. REFLECTIONS erschien ursprünglich zusammen mit zwölf weiteren Filmen in der Anthologie BRIDGES OF SARAJEVO.

REFLECTIONS. DIRECTOR’S CUT shows life in contemporary Sarajevo, as reflected through glass covers of the black-and-white photographs of its’ defenders, taken by the Bosnian photographer Milomir Kovačević in 1992 during the siege of the city. It is the part of the film THE BRIDGES OF SARAJEVO. 13 European directors explore the theme of Sarajevo; what this city has represented in European history over the past hundred years, and what Sarajevo stands for today in Europe. These eminent filmmakers of different generations and origins offer exceptional singular styles and visions.

Director's Biography
Sergei Loznitsa was born 1964 in Belarus and grew up in the Ukraine. Graduated from the Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) in Moscow in 1997. He has been making documentary films since 1996 and has received numerous national and international awards. In 2010 Loznitsa’s feature debut MY JOY premiered in the main competition at the Festival de Cannes followed by IN THE FOG in 2012 and MAIDAN in 2014. SEGODNYA MY POSTROIM DOM (Today We Are Going To Build A House, co-directed by Marat Magambetov, 1996, short doc), ZHIZN, OSEN (Life, Autumn, co-directed by Marat Magambetov, 1998, short doc), POLUSTANOK (The Train Stop, 2000, short doc), POSELENIJE (The Settlement, 2001, doc), PORTRET (Portrait, 2002, short doc), PEYZAZH (Landscape, 2003, doc), FABRIKA (Factory, 2004, short doc), BLOKADA (Blockade, 2005, doc), ARTEL (2006, short doc), SEVERNY SVET (Northern Light, 2008, doc), PREDSTAVLENYE (Revue, 2009, doc), SCHASTYE MOE (My Joy, 2010), V TUMANE (In The Fog, 2012; CE '13), O MILAGRE DE SANTO ANTÓNIO (The Miracle of Saint Anthony, 2012, short doc), PISMO (The Letter, 2012, short doc), REFLECTIONS. DIRECTOR'S CUT (2014, short doc), MAIDAN (2014, doc), THE OLD JEWISH CEMETERY (2014, short doc)
Tribute 2015
Sergei Loznitsa
Frankreich / Bosnien und Herzegowina / Schweiz / Italien / Portugal / Deutschland 2014
black and white
17 Minuten
Kamera Oleg Mutu (R.S.C.)
Schnitt Danielius Kokanauskis
Ton/Sounddesign Vladimir Golovnitzkiy
Cinétévé 4 Quai des Célestins 75004 Paris France T +33 1 48 04 30 00 F +33 1 48 04 70 38 <br> <b>Koproduktion / Co-Production</b> Atoms & Void (NL), Obala Art Center (BH)