Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Rumänien, 1984. Parvu ist ein brillianter Mathematiker. Da er sich aber weigert, der kommunistischen Partei beizutreten, bleibt der wissenschaftliche Erfolg in weiter Ferne. Elena möchte gemeinsam mit ihrem Sohn das Land verlassen, um ihrem Ehemann nach Frankreich zu folgen. Auch wenn die Regierung die Zusammenführung von Familien offiziell unterstützt, werden ihr doch vom Geheimdienst immer neue Hindernisse in den Weg gelegt. Als Parvu erfährt, dass Elena möglicherweise bald das Land auf anderem Wege verlassen wird, trifft er eine Entscheidung, die Konsequenzen für alle in seiner Umgebung hat.
1984. A mathematician’s decision to publish a paper in a magazine edited by an American university without asking for permission from the Communist authorities triggers a chain of events that will change the lives of his friends. After all, there is no such thing as decisions without consequences … “In any type of society there’s a constraint. Constraint generates compromise that we either accept or not. Betrayal, as a particular form of compromise, is not borne by a certain society. Anytime, anywhere, a person wants a better life for him and his family. But at what cost? Careers, feelings, freedom, everything is at stake …” (Andrei Gruzsniczki)
Director's Biography
Andrei Gruzsniczki, obtained a degree in Theater Studies in 1994. After directing many shorts and TV productions he directed his feature debut in 2009 with CEALALTĂ IRINA (The Other Irene, 2009). The film was selected for several festivals and won a number of awards, including Best Debut Feature at the SEE Fest in Los Angeles. QUOD ERAT DEMONSTRANDUM competed at the Rome International Film Festival 2013, where it was awarded the Special Jury Prize. // Film (selected): AMERICA, VENIM! (America, Here We Come, 1995, short), QUOD ERAT DEMONSTRANDUM (2013)
European Panorama Fiction 2014
Andrei Gruzsniczki
Rumänien 2013
black & white
105 Minuten
Drehbuch Andrei Gruzsniczki
Kamera Vivi Drăgan Vasile
Schnitt Dana Bunescu
Ton/Sounddesign Florian Ardelean, Titi Fleancu
Musik Pedro Negrescu
Mit Ofelia Popii, Sorin Leoveanu, Florin Piersic Jr., Virgil Ogășanu, Tora Vasilescu, Marc Titieni, Dorian Boguță, Alina Berzunțeanu, Lucian Ifrim, George Alexandru, Ada Zamfir
ICONproduction Ferdinand Blvd. 17, Ap. 5 021381 Bucharest Romania T +40 371 343 318 office@iconfilm.ro www.iconfilm.ro