Global Shopping Village

Das Profitstreben der Immobilienbranche hat nicht nur das globale Finanzsystem an den Rand des Ruins geführt, es verändert auch dramatisch unsere Städte und unsere Lebenswelt. GLOBAL SHOPPING VILLAGE begleitet einen Shoppingcenter-Entwickler und seine Branchenkollegen. Sie planen und realisieren Einkaufszentren. Wir lernen ihre Strategien kennen, folgen ihnen in die verschlungenen Netzwerke des internationalen Kapitals, finden aber auch die konkreten Auswirkungen ihres Tuns: An drei repräsentativen Orten in Österreich, Deutschland und Kroatien begleiten wir KritikerInnen und Brancheninsider. Wir besuchen eine Stadt, die ihre Funktion verloren hat, sehen die Blüten von Boom und Blase und erleben, wie sich allmählich Widerstand zu formieren beginnt. (Lotte Schreiber)

Shopping centers have been booming for years. They are popular for the customers but also controversial in public discussions. They are changing economic structures, social relations and form the appearance of our cities. GLOBAL SHOPPING VILLAGE follows this movement: the film meets important players in development, marketing and architecture, also politicians, consumers and retailers in different countries all around Europe – in Germany for example, where a new trend of inner city shopping malls is currently arising. On the other hand in Eastern Europe a boom and bubble was recognized.

Director's Biography
Ulli Gladik, born 1970 in Bruck, Austria. She finished the School of Artistic Photography with Friedl Kubelka before studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. After a schoolarship at the National Academy of Arts in Sofia she founded the art project “Transformazija” together with Ljuben Stoev and Doris Peter, resulting in several exhibitions in Germany, Austria and Bulgaria. Since 2003 Gladik has been working as an artist, photographer and director. // Films (selected): DREI CENTS (2004, short doc), NATASHA (2008, doc), GLOBAL SHOPPING VILLAGE (2014, doc)
Architektur und Gesellschaft | Architecture and Society 2014
Ulli Gladik
Österreich / Kroatien 2014
80 Minuten
OmeU / OmdU
Drehbuch Ulli Gladik
Kamera Klemens Hufnagl, Sandra Merseburger, Enzo Brandner
Schnitt Elke Groen, Karin Hammer
Ton/Sounddesign Marko Pelaic, Grega Svabic, Johannes Paul Heilig
Golden Girls Filmproduction & Filmservices GmbH Seidengasse 15/20 1070 Wien T +43 1 810 56 36 F +43 1 810 59 49