Schastye Moe

My Joy

Auf einem Zustelltrip begegnet der russische Fernfahrer Georgy einer Reihe enigmatischer Figuren, die in Loznitsas Quasi-Parabel allesamt exemplarisch für die Verrohung und Brutalisierung einer Gesellschaft stehen: ein alter Mann, der Georgy die ernüchternde Geschichte seiner Rückkehr von der deutschen Front 1946 erzählt oder eine jugendliche Prostituierte, die dem LKW-Fahrer nebst ihrer Dienste eine Abkürzung anbietet, als dieser in einen Stau gerät. Georgy landet auf einem verlassenen Feld. Sein Lastwagen ist zusammengebrochen, es wird Nacht. Und auch das darauffolgende Zusammentreffen mit drei Landstreichern wird diese gewaltsame Abwärtsspirale weiter beschleunigen.

Russia, present day, summer: Truck driver Georgy picks up his latest load and heads off for the motorway. Along his journey, Georgy encounters all sorts of enigmatic characters: An an old man tells Georgy the sobering story of his return from the German front in 1946 and disappears thereupon. Having driven into a traffic jam, a teenage prostitute offers to show him a short-cut – along with her services – and abandons him at a village market. Finally, Georgy ends up lost in a field. By now, night has fallen and his truck has broken down. Three tramps invite Georgy for a meal by the fire and offer him a drink. However, their meal ends violently and abruptly.

Director's Biography
Sergei Loznitsa was born 1964 in Belarus and grew up in the Ukraine. Graduated from the Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) in Moscow in 1997. He has been making documentary films since 1996 and has received numerous national and international awards. In 2010 Loznitsa’s feature debut MY JOY premiered in the main competition at the Festival de Cannes followed by IN THE FOG in 2012 and MAIDAN in 2014. SEGODNYA MY POSTROIM DOM (Today We Are Going To Build A House, co-directed by Marat Magambetov, 1996, short doc), ZHIZN, OSEN (Life, Autumn, co-directed by Marat Magambetov, 1998, short doc), POLUSTANOK (The Train Stop, 2000, short doc), POSELENIJE (The Settlement, 2001, doc), PORTRET (Portrait, 2002, short doc), PEYZAZH (Landscape, 2003, doc), FABRIKA (Factory, 2004, short doc), BLOKADA (Blockade, 2005, doc), ARTEL (2006, short doc), SEVERNY SVET (Northern Light, 2008, doc), PREDSTAVLENYE (Revue, 2009, doc), SCHASTYE MOE (My Joy, 2010), V TUMANE (In The Fog, 2012; CE '13), O MILAGRE DE SANTO ANTÓNIO (The Miracle of Saint Anthony, 2012, short doc), PISMO (The Letter, 2012, short doc), REFLECTIONS. DIRECTOR'S CUT (2014, short doc), MAIDAN (2014, doc), THE OLD JEWISH CEMETERY (2014, short doc)
Tribute · Eröffnungsfilme | Opening Films 2015
Sergei Loznitsa
Deutschland / Ukraine / Niederlande 2010
127 Minuten
Drehbuch Sergei Loznitsa
Kamera Oleg Mutu (R.S.C.)
Schnitt Danielius Kokanauskis
Ton/Sounddesign Vladimir Golovnitzkiy
Mit Viktor Nemec, Dmitry Bykowski, Paul Vorozhtsov, Olga Shuvalov, Vladimir Golovin, Alex Vertkov, Yuri Sviridenko, Maria Warsi, Vlad Ivanov, Boris Kamorzin, Timothy Tribuntsev
Produzent*innen Heino Deckert ( fiction), Oleg Kokhan (SOTA Cinema Group) KoproduzentInnen / Co-Producers M. Slot, L. Petit, J. de Vries (Lemming Film), A. Bohr (ZDF/ARTE) Koproduktion / Co-Production Lemming Film (NL), ZDF/ARTE (DE/FR)
Produktion fiction Marienplatz 1 04103 Leipzig Germany T +49 341 983 96 96 F +49 341 215 66 39