Pau i el seu germà
Pau and his brother
Im Zentrum dieses Films steht ein Mann, der verschwunden ist. Alex arbeitete auf den Docks in Barcelona, bevor er plötzlich dem Stress des Stadt- und Arbeitslebens in ein kleines Dorf in den Pyrenäen entfloh. Nach einiger Zeit erhalten sein Bruder Pau und seine Mutter Merce die Nachricht, dass er Selbstmord begangen habe, und die beiden machen sich auf den Weg in das Dorf, um herauszufinden, was geschehen ist. Die Menschen, denen sie auf ihrer Reise begegnen, suchen alle ein neues Leben. Pau und seine Mutter entdecken und erfahren im Dorf Dinge über sich und die Welt, die unauslöschbare Spuren hinterlassen und Alex in ein völlig neues Licht rücken.
Barcelona. While visiting his mother, Pau receives a phone call: Alex, his brother who had disappeared months before, has committed suicide. Pau and his mother, who is unaware of what exactly happened, set out for the small Pyrenean village where Alex lived before he took his life. This is a journey down their common past, intimate and painful. In this part of the world, Pau and his mother will come across those who were part of Alex‘s life; they will become familiar with his love affairs, his anger, his world, and, quietly, step by step, they will come to life again and rediscover their own selves. In this story, we talk of time and life, of the lack of communication between people. We talk of silence and of the destruction of nature. In an attempt to be faithful to the storyline, we shot the film in chronological sequence, gradually following the evolution of the characters, seeking, in accordance with the weather and the landscape, the revelation of the moment which would help us in unveiling the mosaic of non-communication among the characters. (Marc Recha)
Tribute 2007
Marc Recha
Spanien / Frankreich 2001
110 Minuten
Drehbuch Joaquim Jordà, Marc Recha
Kamera Hélène Louvart
Schnitt Ernest Blasi
Musik Aitor Millán Fernández, Xavier Turull, Fred Vilmar, Toni Xuclà
Mit David Selvas, Nathalie Boutefeu, Marieta Orozco, Luis Hostalot, Alicia Orozco, Juan Márquez, David Recha
jba production 52, rue Charlot 75003 Paris Frankreich T +33 1 48 04 84 60 F +33 1 42 76 09 67