Crossing Europe Extracts: In ten different countries with ten films. [
] Crossing Europe does not only have Europe in its title. The film festival spreads its arms out to every country and filmmakers from all over the continent, and not a year has gone by in which the festival did not show its audience exceptional stories. This time the director, Christine Dollhofer and her team, have renegotiated the rights to show the films within a remarkably short time: During the week in which Crossing Europe should have taken place in Linz, ten of the films of this year’s program migrated into the Internet.
Maria Motter / (AT)
Crossing Europe migrated into the internet. A live film evening, and ten selected films from the program that Crossing Europe had intended to present, to show what should have been.
Claudia Stelzel-Pröll / (AT)
A different take on a film festival. Crossing Europe migrated its program.
Jasmin Gaderer / Neue Kronen Zeitung (AT)
Starting into fall with Crossing Europe – the film festival from Linz in parts. All in all, Crossing Europe will present around one hundred films this fall, and thereby will not only return with a bang, but also hopes to set a strong example for the institution of the cinema.
Mariella Moshammer / Neues Volksblatt (AT)
Crossing Europe will not simply rest. The festival that cannot take place in the cinemas this year, finds different pathways to its audiences. [
] Crossing Europe even goes beyond the original festival end date, April 26, and moves to the web.
Isabelle Langemann / Oberösterreich Huete – ORF TV (AT)
“Crossing Europe” step by step. Corona impeded on the film festival in Linz as a whole in April. [
] However, those who know the director Christine Dollhofer and her team were sure of one thing: They would never let something that belongs together fall apart. For a festival that sees creating connections throughout this tested continent, that could never be a part of their philosophy.
Nora Bruckmüller / OÖNachrichten (AT)
A film festival in defiant mode: Greek tomatoes, Dutch teenagers, an invisible Frenchman, and Czech electronic music: all those things that would have been celebrated in 157 films during the Crossing Europe festival from Tuesday night onward, have been broken down to a program of ten films directly in your home. These films manage to create a representative cross section made up of ten films from ten different countries and five program points, “a small panorama of the festival”.
Magadlena Miedl / (AT)
Ambitious, young European cinema. That is exactly what the seventeenth edition of Crossing Europe had promised. Just that this time it will be through the net. [
] In Crossing Europe Extracts the international film festival presented a representative cross section from various countries and program sections of the festival.
Tiziana Arico / ZiB – ORF TV-Kultur (AT)
After the Diagonale in March already had to be canceled as an in-person event and move into the digital realm, the Crossing Europe film festival Linz reacted to this extraordinary situation very quickly and put together a digital program. [
] The program of ten films (six feature films and four documentaries) can be viewed online until May 20 and goes to prove the excellent curation work of the festival once more, even in such difficult times as these.
Anja Gleich / (AT)
A film festival to stream: online editions are new territory for film festivals. The Crossing Europe film festival in Linz offers ten “Extracts” after its cancellation next week. [
] Crossing Europe has decided to approach this on multiple fronts. Various program sections, such as the tribute to the artist VALIE EXPORT will take place at a later date within the framework of the Ars Electronica festival. Up until then, the goal will be to plan a virtual journey – even though the current (forced) situation makes the motif of movement of the festival that is so based on European exchange particularly present.
Dominik Kamalzadeh / Der Standard | (AT)
Crossing Europe: Canceled but active. [
] Of course it is with a very heavy heart that we have to accept not being able to experience Crossing Europe in its entirety. To a reunion in 2021 – where hopefully a cinematographic addiction will be the only thing we need to be worried about being infected of.
Christoph Leeb / (AT)