Schloss Solitude
"I am special". This statement is sung in the baroque surroundings of Schloss Solitude (i.e. Solitude Castle) by a courtly lady in rococo garb, a police choir on the steps of the castle answers her. A monotonous and grotesque antiphony emerges, which becomes somewhat neurotic in the constant repetition. This impression is further reinforced in the reduction to two camera settings that strictly follow the two axes of the baroque architecture. Here the first setting forms a prologue, in which a child leads the way into the absurd scenery. At the end, banality irrupts mercifully and ironically at the same time into the artificial tension.
OK Artist in Residence 2005
Corinna Schnitt
Germany 2002
10 minutes
German version
Cinematography Justyna Feicht
Music Mark Randall Osborn
With Dagmar Würthen, Polizeichor Saarbrücken, Lilian Heere