Raus aus seinen Kleidern
Out of your clothes
"So anyway, I do find it extremely important that you feel good in your clothes. That's why I only wear them once. Unless it's been a really nice day that I want to remember, in which case I'll keep them on, but after two days, at the latest, I´ll put on something fresh." (from the voice-over-commentary) Formally the film directly calls to mind classical experimental filmmakers like Michael Snow. However, the chatty tone typical of teenagers and the abstruse connection between laundry and men strip the film of its austereness, turning it into an absurd little comedy of everyday life. (Andrea Dittgen)
OK Artist in Residence 2005
Corinna Schnitt
Germany 1999
8 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Cinematography Justyna Feicht, Jens Ludwig
With Corinna Schnitt