Nomades du nucléaire

Nuclear Nomads

A caravan stands directly in front of a nuclear power plant. This image combines a symbol of leisure and holidaymaking with the danger of harmful radiation that threatens France’s “nuclear nomads”. These largely young workers may receive impressive bonuses for their job inspecting and cleaning nuclear power plants up and down the country, but they are putting their health, if not their lives, at risk. In between parenting and route planning, they busily add up their daily and weekly radiation doses in the hope that they will be able to earn enough money before they reach the annual maximum and have to stop working. (Berlinale)

Director's Filmography (Selection)
Nomades du nucléaire (Nuclear Nomads, 2023, doc) - Überleben (Survive, 2020, doc short, Friedrich, co-directed with Lara Milena Brose) - Westend (2020, short, Stromp Zargari, co-directed with Emil Plattenhof) - Ich will ins Paradies (2019, doc short, Friedrich)
Competition Documentary 2023
Kilian Armando Friedrich, Tizian Stromp Zargari
Germany 2023
73 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Kilian Armando Friedrich, Tizian Stromp Zargari
Cinematography Jacob Maria Kohl
Editing Gabrielle Azouze, Killian Armando Friedrich, Tizian Stromp Zargari
Sound/Sounddesign Kilian Armando Friedrich, Tizian Stromp Zargari, Gerhard Auer, Andreas Goldbrunner
Music Ludovico Failla
With Vincent Jouet, Marie Lore Porchert, Florian Wernert, Jérome Bienmont
Producer(s) Christine Haupt
HFF München
World Sales
Rise and Shine
International Premiere
World Premiere
Berlinale 2023