At the heart of the youth program is a format, in which we offer you the chance to work in teams of eight to ten people, supported by media professionals, in order to produce your own contributions about a hot topic in terms of media policy.
This year's topic was #snapshot_europe! How does it feel to be young right now?
YAAAS! is a member of the YCN (Youth Cinema Network), which has initiated a Europe-wide project for 2023 and 2024. In each of the 50 European countries at least four short documentaries are to be produced that provide insights into the realities of young people's lives. The aim is that by the end of 2024 there will be about 200 short documentaries reporting from different corners of Europe and providing a diverse picture in the context of the Capital of Culture Year in Bodø (Norway).
At the YAAAS! Video Project 2023 we wanted to know how you feel right now, what moves you from a political, cultural or private point of view. Why you are bored, what irritates you, makes you stunned or infuriates you.
We wanted the participants to create snapshots in small teams. Whether they wanted to tell the story of a single person or juxtaposed several team members was up to them, as was the choice of formal aspects: whether by means of interviews, POV shots, off-screen speakers or even fictional elements that reflected the reality of young people’s lives today.

Final Presentation - YAAAS! Video Project 2023

YAAAS! Video Project: Videos from 2023
Daisies in my Head
Mentors: Elena Schmied, Mika BrandhoferTeam: Elena Müller, Anna Elina Parzer, Christopher Wynne, Hadia Tahiri, Aria Tahiri, Lelia Tudoras, Lavinia Schmitsberger, Elias Dietrich, Arthur Ramaseder
Snapshot Europe
Mentors: Elif Bingöl & Neva Özalo
Team: Johanna Oberndorfer, Lily Mann, Teresa Traxlmayr, Karoline Böhm, Erik Naderer, Federica Alberti, Leo Martin, Leonie Buchriegler, Piotr ZadloThe Hypocrite
Mentors: Johanna Leutgeb, Raphael Lechner
Team: Maureen Schmitzberger, Laura Schnabl, Liselotte Past, Emma Müller, Sandra Schwingenschlögl, Johanna Leitner, Magdalena Greger, Lars Bronsveld, Martin Carlsson
Mentors: Johanna Leutgeb, Raphael Lechner
Team: Maureen Schmitzberger, Laura Schnabl, Liselotte Past, Emma Müller, Sandra Schwingenschlögl, Johanna Leitner, Magdalena Greger, Lars Bronsveld, Martin Carlsson
Look Up
Mentors: Iris Reisenberger, Florian Winkler
Team: Nadine Staska, Ida Raaberg, Emily Mayer, Nora Schallauer, Joshua Berg, Pagona-Maria Triantou, Angeliki-Panagiota Alikaki
Mentors: Iris Reisenberger, Florian Winkler
Team: Nadine Staska, Ida Raaberg, Emily Mayer, Nora Schallauer, Joshua Berg, Pagona-Maria Triantou, Angeliki-Panagiota Alikaki