1395 Dana bez Crvene
1395 Days Without Red
Während der Belagerung Sarajevos zwischen 1992 und 1996 mussten die Einwohner tagtäglich Straßen queren, die im Visier von Scharfschützen lagen. In diesem Zeitraum von exakt 1395 Tagen wurden tausende Menschen auf dem Weg in die Arbeit, zu Freunden oder in den Supermarkt getötet oder angeschossen. In 1395 DANA BEZ CRVENE bewegt sich eine unauffällig gekleidete Frau durch das heutige Sarajevo, als läge die Stadt noch immer unter serbischem Beschuss. Sie duckt sich vor imaginären Scharfschützen und rennt im Zickzack-Kurs durch die Straßen – stets die Ungewissheit im Hinterkopf, ob sie unversehrt ihr Ziel erreichen wird.
The siege of Sarajevo lasted for one thousand three hundred and ninety-five days from 1992 to 1996. During the siege, thousands of citizens had to cross streets threatened by snipers every day: to go to work, buy food, visit friends, relatives and lovers, keep on living. Some 10,000 people were killed and over 56,000 were wounded by sniper bullets and exploding grenades. The film follows a woman as she makes her way through this route. She stops, hesitates, runs. She waits, calculates and bends down. Every crossing is a new challenge and new calculation. The woman is reliving the experience of others in the place where the trauma occurred. It is her individual journey in their collective past. Whatever has happened beforehand is happening again, now.
Director's Biography
Šejla Kamerić, born 1976 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 1999 she graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, Department of Graphic Design. She uses mainly photography, video and film as media juxtaposing an explicit social context with intimate perspectives. In 2007 she was Artist in Residence at OK Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz. Her first short film STA JA ZNAM (What Do I Know, 2007; CE '08), premiered in Corto Cortissimo section of Venice International Film Festival 2007. 1395 DANA BEZ CRVENE (1395 Days without Red) premiered at Manchester International Festival 2011.
Special 2012
Šejla Kamerić
Großbritannien / Bosnien und Herzegowina 2011
63 Minuten
ohne Dialog
Drehbuch Šejla Kamerić, Anri Sala
Kamera Patrick Ghiringhelli
Schnitt Penda Houzangbe
Mit Maribel Verdú, Sarajevo Symphony Orchestra
Artangel 31 Eyre Street Hill London EC1R 5EW Great Britain T +44 20 7713 1400 F +44 20 7713 1401 info@artangel.org.uk www.artangel.org.uk