31.03.2022 // For the first time, in 2022 a collection of films from previous festival editions of CROSSING EUROPE will be presented on, a Video-on-Demand platform for libraries and universities. The selection includes seventeen European feature films and documentaries that were hand-picked by filmfriend and CROSSING EUROPE, in cooperation with the city library of Linz. Filmfriend is available for members of numerous libraries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and can be accessed using the respective library ID, without additional charge. Besides the CROSSING EUROPE selection, users have access to over 3.500 feature films, documentaries, children’s films, and series. The CROSSING EUROPE film collection can be found HERE.
The Films of the CROSSING EUROPE Collection on (excerpt)
In addition to this, on 30 April 2022 (7:30 pm) the city library of Linz will screen GOD EXISTS, HER NAME IS PETRUNYA (MK/BE/SI/HR/FR 2019; CE19) within the framework of the Lange Nacht der BibliOÖtheken. More information can be found HERE.