Wohin so spät?
WOHIN SO SPÄT? presents the experiences of a woman on her way home who is confronted with catcalling.
Director's Biography
Sarah Braid lives and works in Upper Austria and Vienna. She completed her BA in Time-based and Interactive Media Arts at the University of Art and Design Linz and now studys Fine Arts (Painting and Animated Film) at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Braid deals with various forms of expression and media in visual art, focusing on painting, drawing, (frame by frame) 2D animation and creating cartoons and comics. Director's Filmography (Selection)
Wohin so spät? (2021) - Holladio hods gsogt (2022; CE'23) - Applaus, Applaus. (Applause, Applause., 2020; CE'21)
Wohin so spät? (2021) - Holladio hods gsogt (2022; CE'23) - Applaus, Applaus. (Applause, Applause., 2020; CE'21)
Local Artists 2023
Sarah Braid
Austria 2021
3 minutes
German OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Sarah Braid
Cinematography Sarah Braid
Editing Sarah Braid
Sound/Sounddesign Sarah Braid
Producer(s) Sarah Braid
World Premiere
Best Austrian Animation Festival 2022