
Klaus Stern's film is a portrait of the German technology entrepreneur Tan Siekmann, whose fate on the stockmarket exemplifies the burst of the "dotcom bubble" at the start of the 21st century. Faced with frustrated employees and legal disputes with former partners, the "reboot" of the company "Biodata" turns out to be less heroic than Siekmann would like it to be. It appears (also in looking back at the nineties) that the years of plenty are indeed over.

Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2005
Klaus Stern
Germany 2004
94 minutes
German version
Screenplay Klaus Stern
Cinematography Harald Schmuck, Frank Reimann, Markus Zuckermann
Editing Rike Anders
Music Michael Kadelbach, Robin Proper-Sheppard, Sophia
sternfilm Klaus Stern Goethestraße 32 34119 Kassel Deutschland T +49 561 184 29 F +49 561 184 29 klausstern@gmx.de www.weltmarktfuehrer-derfilm.de