The film follows the adventures of three girlfriends for one weekend. What do they do when they‘re together, alone and with their friends?
Director's Biography
Nanouk Leopold, geb. 1968, besuchte die Willem de Kooning Akademie für Kunst in Rotterdam, und anschließend die Filmakademie in Amsterdam.
Filme (Auswahl): Fishy (gem. mit Froukje Tan, 1994, KF), Weekend (1998, KF), Marseille 1-2, (1998, KF), Max Lupa (1999, KF), Îles Flottantes (Floating Islands, 2000), La Grande Guerre (2002), Guernsey (2005; CE '06); Wolfsbergen (2007), Brownian Movement (2010)
Filme (Auswahl): Fishy (gem. mit Froukje Tan, 1994, KF), Weekend (1998, KF), Marseille 1-2, (1998, KF), Max Lupa (1999, KF), Îles Flottantes (Floating Islands, 2000), La Grande Guerre (2002), Guernsey (2005; CE '06); Wolfsbergen (2007), Brownian Movement (2010)
Tribute 2011
Nanouk Leopold
Netherlands 1998
27 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Nanouk Leopold