En Route
In this intelligent, dark début, a charming young man falls in with a young mother and daughter and her boyfriend while they are on a camping holiday. Maintaining a constant sense of uncertainty and slight threat, the film evokes a little the way Haneke can imbue the everyday with a sense of unease. (Simon Field)
Competition Fiction 2004
Jan Krüger
Germany 2004
81 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Jan Krüger
Cinematography Bernadette Paassen
Editing Natali Barrey
Music Max Müller
With Anabelle Lachatte, Florian Panzner, Martin Kiefer, Lena Beyerling, Agnieszka Grochowska, Iwona Domaszewicz
Schramm Film Bülowstr. 90 10783 Berlin Deutschland T +30 2615140 schrammfilm@snafu.de