Trying to build a Sentence

The words – back – to – back – they – faced – each – other were applied one each to the backs of seven cows. The mutual relationship of individual sentence elements crosses with the behavior of a herd. The linguistic syntax is thus illustrated by a different system. Due to the random behavior of the cows, the connections between the single words result in various combinations and possibilities of reading.

Director's Biography
Susanna Flock, geb. 1988 in Graz. Studiert seit 2008 experimentelle Gestaltung an der Kunstuniversität Linz und seit 2011 Medienkunst an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig. // Filme (Auswahl): SCRAMBLED EGGS (2011), TRYING TO BUILD A SENTENCE (2011)
2012: CROSSING EUROPE Award – Local Artist Atelierpreis
Local Artists 2012
Susanna Flock
Austria 2011
3 minutes
without dialogue