Tilva Roš
Tilva Rosh
Bor, Serbia, once the largest copper mine, now just the biggest hole in Europe. Toda and Stefan are best friends, skaters, who spend their first summer after finishing high school. Stefan‘s going to Belgrade to the University in fall. Toda says he wouldn‘t apply to the University even if he had the money. They spend time shooting „Jackass-like“ videos and hanging out with Dunja, who came back from France for her holidays, and get into a quiet battle for her attention. In that strange mixture of dying friendship and rivalry they try to get ahead of each other. In the meantime, Union protests in town, which started small, gain momentum and the boys are thrust back together under a common cause.
Director's Biography
Nikola Ležaić, geb. 1981 in Bor, Serbien. Abschluss in Film- und Fernsehregie an der Hochschule für Darstellende Kunst in Belgrad. Mitbegründer der Gruppe SMOG sowie von METASYNCHRISM, einer Literaturbewegung, und der Produktionsfirma Kiselo Dete. Tilva Roš ist sein erster Spielfilm und erhielt den Hauptpreis beim Sarajevo Filmfestival.
Filme (Auswahl): Saša Pop (2006, KF/Dok), Bokser ide u raj (Boxer Goes to Heaven, 2007, KF), Presvuci ih najlonom (Nylon-Dressed Ground, 2008, KF), Tilva Roš (Tilva Rosh, 2010)
Filme (Auswahl): Saša Pop (2006, KF/Dok), Bokser ide u raj (Boxer Goes to Heaven, 2007, KF), Presvuci ih najlonom (Nylon-Dressed Ground, 2008, KF), Tilva Roš (Tilva Rosh, 2010)
Competition Fiction 2011
Nikola Ležaić
Serbia 2010
99 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Nikola Ležaić
Cinematography Miloš Jaćimović
Editing Nikola Ležaić
Sound/Sounddesign Danijel Daka Milošević
With Marko Todorović, Stefan Đorđević, Dunja Kovačević, Marko Milenković
Film House Kiselo Dete Dalmatinska 17 11 000 Belgrad Serbien T +381 11 275 1230 office@kiselodete.com www.kiselodete.com