Thalija Track 15 - Thalija
THALIJA TRACK 15 is a music video made with found footage. A flea market find of a 35mm film called PURGATORY by Wilhelm Hengstler. The film tells the story of Jack Unterweger, a prostitute murderer and darling of high society, who was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Director's Biography
Nikolaus Jantsch, geboren 1978. Studium der Soziologie in Linz und der Malerei an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien. // Filme (Auswahl): FLUCHTPUNKT KAIRO - KOMMANDO ELEFANT (2012), DAWA – REVOLUTION (2013), THALIJA TRACK 15 (2014)
Local Artists 2015
Nikolaus Jantsch
Austria 2014
4 minutes