Sueño y silencio
The Dream and the Silence
With his fourth feature The Dream and the Silence, Jaime Rosales brings a delicate meditation on mourning, focussed on the void left by a tragic death. After a car crash, killing a family's eldest teenage daughter, all attempts at communicating between the parents are deafened by the brutal silence left by her absence. Eventually, the film evolves into an evocatively emotional look at family dynamics that maintains its delicate, tightrope nature throughout, and confirms the director, on the face of his growing body of work, as one of the finest filmmakers working in contemporary Spain. (Jorge Mourinha, The Flickering Wall)
Director's Biography
Film Selection: Petra (2018) - Hermosa juventud (Beautiful Youth, 2014) - Sueño y silencio (Dream and Silence, 2012) - Tiro en la cabeza (Bullet in the Head, 2008) - La soledad (Solitary Fragments, 2007) - Las horas del día (The Hours of the Day, 2003, CE'04)
Tribute 2019
Jaime Rosales
Spain / France 2012
color & black and white
100 minutes
Spanish / French OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Jaime Rosales, Enric Rufas
Cinematography Óscar Durán
Editing Nino Martínez Sosa
Sound/Sounddesign Eva Valiño
With Oriol Roselló, Yolanda Galocha, Alba Ros Montet, Celia Correas, Jaume Terradas, Laura Latorre
Producer(s) Jaime Rosales, José María Morales, Jérôme Dopffer
Fresdeval Films, Wanda Vision, Les Productions de Balthazar
World Sales
The Match Factory
Austrian Rights
Stadtkino Filmverleih
World Premiere
Cannes Film Festival 2012
Austrian RightsStadtkino Filmverleih
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Cannes Film Festival 2012