Slide Guitar Ride
A documentary film about Rock‘n‘Roll and being on the road. Bob Log III is a one-man band from Tucson, Arizona. He plays live in an azure-blue, close-fitting wrestling outfit, wearing a motorcycle helmet with an in-built telephone receiver that serves as a microphone. He plays „speed delta on blues“ guitar with his hands and drums and kick cymbals with his feet. Bob Log III performs over 200 concerts a year around the world: in backyards, laundromats or large concert halls. He releases his records on the renowned label Fat Possum, which is dedicated to the Blues, and he is meanwhile a star in Japan.
Panorama Special · Musicdocs 2006
Bernd Schoch
Germany 2005
color & black and white
80 minutes
Screenplay Bernd Schoch, Thomas Knapp
Cinematography Marc Teuscher, Oliver Boeg, Thomas Knapp, Bernd Schoch
Editing Bernd Schoch
Music Bob Log III, Gentleman Black Angus
With Bob Log III, Mathew Johnson, Fat Possum; Judah Bauer; Jorge, Epitaph; Alain Meyer, Richard, the luthier
Bernd Schoch Sachsenstraße 1 76137 Karlsruhe Deutschland