Sitzend überleben
„Man was not born to sit“, explains a lady in a pantsuit, lecturing on an empty white film stage next to an ergonomic super chair. Excerpts from an „edu-cational film“ serve C. Schmitz as a leitmotif structuring her short film about functional spaces and the New Economy: in interviews and austerely framed architectural tableaus, Sitzend Überleben (Surviving Seated) demonstrates how bodies are shaped through architectonic interventions and organized into enterprises. A film about how socio-political ideas of classical modernism have become a tool for efficiency maximization in the global services industry.
Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2004
Schmitz Carolin
Germany 2001
20 minutes
Screenplay Carolin Schmitz
Cinematography Hajo Schomerus
Editing Carolin Schmitz
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln Ute Dilger Peter-Welter-Platz 2 D-50676 Köln T +49 221 20189 330