Sinister Sisters Slaughterhouse

In a city called Franecker, there once was a father who slaughtered a pig, and his children watched. In the afternoon, when the children began playing, the sisters said to their brother: “You be the little pig, and we‘ll be the butcher.” Then they took a shiny knife, as they had seen before, and a little bowl to catch the pig’s blood so they could make sausages...

Director's Biography
Michaela Mandel, geb. 1972 in Salzburg. Ab 2003 Studium Experimentelle Gestaltung, Kunstuniversität Linz. 2006 Studium Bildende Kunst an der Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam. Freischaffende Theaterausstatterin und Videokünstlerin.

Filme (Auswahl): Night.Inside. (2006), a grrrl’s Fetish (2007), Die wunderliche Gasterei (2007; CE ‘08)
2010: CROSSING EUROPE Award – Local Artist
Local Artists 2010
Michaela Mandel
Austria / Sweden 2009
12 minutes