
In Slovakia babies are born under miserable conditions behind walls, the purpose of which is to separate the Roma minority from the “white” population. In Palestine the civil population lives in the shadow of a cement wall eleven meters high, behind which relatives, land and jobs have remained behind. SEPARATED tells of the struggle for survival of three peoples united by a common fate: isolation and forgottenness.

Director's Biography
NATALIE JOHANNA HALLA, geb. 1975 in Linz. Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und Dolmetscherausbildung (Russisch, Spanisch). Erlernte das Werkzeug zum Filmemachen autodidaktisch und aus Leidenschaft zum humanitären Dokumentarfilm. Hallas zweiter Dokumentarfilm GAELLE lief beim 14. Thessaloniki Documentary Festival 2012. // Filme (Auswahl): ICH TRÄUMTE VON MEINEM LEBEN (2005, KF), DROGENMÜTTER (Drug Mothers, 2010, Dok), GAELLE (2011, Dok), SEPARATED (2012, Dok)
Local Artists 2013
Natalie Johanna Halla
Austria / Spain 2012
60 minutes
OV with German subtitles
Screenplay Natalie Johanna Halla
Cinematography Mikel Clemente, Peter Pikna
Editing Hanna Mutter
Music Dmar