Kidnapped is a film that is all about experience. It has no grand statements to make, its goals are to make you share the emotion of the experience and it succeeds absolutely. This is an impeccably crafted, flawlessly performed film. Bleak and uncomfortable, yes, but incredibly powerful. (Todd Brown, Twitch) Kidnapped (aka Secuestrados or Hostages) is a wildly tense affair that will have you triple checking your door locks for nights to come. This can happen. This has happened. (Rob Hunter, Film School Rejects)
Director's Biography
Miguel Ángel Vivas, geb. 1974 in Sevilla. Studierte Audiovisuelle Kommunikation an der Europäischen Universität CEES in Madrid und Regie an der Filmschule Madrid ECAM. Er hat zahlreiche preisgekrönte Kurzfilme realisiert. Secuestrados ist sein zweiter Spielfilm.
Filme (Auswahl): Eyes (2000, KF), Bogeyman (2002, KF), Reflections (2002), I’ll see you in my dreams (2003, KF), Secuestrados (Kidnapped, 2010)
Filme (Auswahl): Eyes (2000, KF), Bogeyman (2002, KF), Reflections (2002), I’ll see you in my dreams (2003, KF), Secuestrados (Kidnapped, 2010)
Nachtsicht | Night Sight 2011
Miguel Ángel Vivas
Spain 2010
85 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Miguel Ángel Vivas, Javier García
Cinematography Pedro J. Márquez
Editing José Manuel Jiménez
Sound/Sounddesign Nacho Arenas, Manuel Robles, Jaime Fernández
Music Sergio Moure
With Fernando Cayo, Manuela Vellés, Ana Wagener, Guillermo Barrientos, Martijn Kuiper, Dritan Biba, Xoel Yáñez
VACA FILMS production C/ Real 11, 3º izquierda 15003, A Coruña Spanien T +34 881 917 566 F +34 881 894 671