A 17-year-old on the run from a foster family which she doesn’t see as her own, Manon flees Switzerland to find her father who left her when she was small. The protagonist of RIVIÈRE isn’t only trying to escape a challenging educational context, she’s also running away from a cruel past which she’s desperate to leave behind her. Determined to turn her painful past into a distant memory, Manon gradually forms new emotional and sentimental bonds, transposing the path she’d already mapped out on the ice rink. Indeed, her dream is to become a professional hockey player, defying and breaking down the stereotypes which heteropatriarchal society ascribes to so-called “femininity”. (Muriel Del Don, Cineuropa)
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Rivière (2023) - Metropolis (2015, short) - Flow (2012, short) - Les liens du sang (2003, short)
Rivière (2023) - Metropolis (2015, short) - Flow (2012, short) - Les liens du sang (2003, short)
2024: CROSSING EUROPE Award - YAAAS! Youth Jury
YAAAS! Competition 2024
Hugues Hariche
Switzerland / France 2023
104 minutes
French OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Hugues Hariche, Joanne Giger
Cinematography Joseph Areddy
Editing Nicolas Desmaison
Sound/Sounddesign Benoît Barraud, Théo Viroton
Music Nicolas Rabaeus
With Flavie Delangle, Sarah Bramms, Camille Rutherford, Till Clémence, Claude Fugère, Faustine Mathieu, Tom Nappiot, Guillaume Henry
Producer(s) Aline Schmid, Adrian Blaser, Alice Bégon, Clément Schneider, Francoise Mayor
Beauvoir Films, Les Films d'Argile, RTS Radio Suisse Romande
World Sales
Outplay Films
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Locarno Film Festival 2023