

Who gets to show what? And who is being looked at? REPRODUCTION looks at three generations of women to examine the ideal images of women in art: The larger-than-life male genius on the wall – and the selflessly loving mother carved in stone. Does one ideal exclude the other? Like a tableau and in concentrated movements, the film describes power, class and gender relations across three generations of women, tells of discarded drawings and unfinished careers: The assumptions and demands of each role are reproduced in different ways – until they disappear in care work. (...) REPRODUCTION is an architectural journey through time, on the trail of stories that have disappeared. Stories of women artists. (Fünferfilm)

Director's Filmography (Selection)
Reproduktion (Reproduction, 2024, doc) - Uncanny Me (2022, mid-length doc; CE23) - Jedermann und Ich (Everyman and I, 2021, doc; CE22) - Dazwischen Elsa (Elsa in Between, 2019, TV doc short) - Jedermann (Everyman, 2016, doc short; CE16) - Louisa (2011, doc; CE12) - In Dir muss brennen (Burning Within, 2009, doc; CE10)
European Panorama Documentary 2024
Katharina Pethke
Germany 2024
111 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Katharina Pethke
Cinematography Christoph Rohrscheidt
Editing Simon Quack
Sound/Sounddesign Lukas Brandes, Timo Selengia
Music Nika Son
Producer(s) Julia Cöllen, Frank Scheuffele, Karsten Krause
Fünferfilm, ZDF/3sat
World Sales
Pluto Film
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Berlinale 2024