Rei door onze wereld

Journey Through Our World

Working out using bottles as weights, talking to good friends on Zoom and after an hour deciding whether to request a new link. Suddenly noticing those two crows in the garden. Covid shrank the world of documentary-making couple Petra and Peter Lataster, so they pointed the camera at themselves, the nature in the garden, and their neighbors. JOURNEY THROUGH OUR WORLD is less an “ego document” than a familiar iteration of this strange period in our history. The world came to a standstill but time marched on, relentlessly. And here too, along with fear of the virus there is also that calmness of successive days when your attention could be suddenly captured by a slug gliding slowly across the garden, and by crows feeding their young. (International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam)

Director's Filmography (Selection)
Rei door onze wereld (Journey Through Our World, 2022, doc) - Jij bent mijn vriend (You Are My Friend, 2018, doc; CE'19) - De kinderen van juf Kiet (Miss Kiet's Children, 2016, doc, CE'17) - De Nood Aan Dansen (The Need To Dance, 2014, doc) - Wakker in een boze droom (Awake In A Bad Dream, 2013, doc)
European Panorama Documentary 2023
Petra Lataster-Czisch, Peter Lataster
Netherlands 2022
114 minutes
Dutch / German / Russian
OV with English subtitles
Cinematography Peter Lataster
Editing Mario Steenbergen
Sound/Sounddesign Mark Wessner
Music Harry de Wit
Producer(s) Peter Lataster
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
IDFA 2022