Principii de viata
Principles of Life
Velicanu considers himself fulfilled. He has money, a new villa, he has a son from his first marriage and a beautiful second wife with whom he has a baby. Holidays are coming up, and he has to leave his business in good order. But things get a little bit complicated. The crisis at the end of the day makes him wonder if he is really happy and fulfilled.
Director's Biography
Constantin Popescu , geb. 1973 in Rumänien, schloss ein Studium im Fach British Cultural Studies in Bukarest ab. Er arbeitete als Regie- und Produktionsassistent und drehte mehrere Kurzfilme, zuletzt eine Episode des Omnibuswerks Tales From the Golden Age (2009). Popescu ist Autor des Romans „Chew and You‘ll Breathe Easier“. Filme (Auswahl): Apartamentul (The Apartment, 2004, KF), Amintiri din epoca de aur (2009), Portretul luptătorului la tinereţe (Portrait of the Fighter as a Young Man, 2010), Principii de viaţă (Principles of Life, 2010)
Competition Fiction 2011
Constantin Popescu
Romania 2010
87 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Ragzvan Radulescu, Alex Baciu
Cinematography Liviu Mãrghidan
Editing Corina Stavila
Sound/Sounddesign Mihai Bogos
With Vlad Ivanov, Gabriel Huian, Rodica Lazar
HiFilm Productions 179, Traian St. 024043 Bukarest Rumänien T +4021 252 4867 F +4021 252 4866