Pranzo Di Ferragosto

Mid-August Lunch

Set in Rome, Pranzo di Ferragosto is the story of Giovanni, a middle-aged man still living with his elderly mother and compelled to pass his holiday with a group of formidable old ladies; a really funny story peppered with sharp, witty dialogues.

Director's Biography
Gianni Di Gregorio, geboren 1949 in Italien. Arbeitet als Drehbuchautor. Unter anderem ist er Co-Autor von Matteo Garrone’s Gomorra, mit ihm verbindet Gregorio eine enge Arbeitsbeziehung. Pranzo di Ferragosto ist sein Regiedebüt.

Filme (Auswahl): Viva la scimmia (Long Live the Monkey, von Marvo Colli, Drehbuch, 2002), Primo amore (First Love, von Matteo Garrone, Regieassistent, 2004; Crossing Europe 2004), Gomorra (von Matteo Garrone, Drehbuch, 2008)
Competition Fiction 2009
Gianni Di Gregorio
Italy 2008
75 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Gianni Di Gregorio, Simone Riccardini
Cinematography Gian Enrico Bianchi
Editing Marco Spoletini
Music Ratchev & Carratello
With Gianni Di Gregorio, Valeria De Franciscis, Marina Cacciotti, Maria Calì, Grazia Cesarini Sforza, Alfonso Santagata, Luigi Marchetti, Marcello Ottolenghi, Petre Rosu, Biagio Ursitti
Produzent Matteo Garrone supported by MEDIA Archimede P. Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 00185 Rom Italien T +39 6 4462 605 F +39 6 4462 640