Podul Peste Tisa
The Bridge
Bridges connect people, unless it is forbidden to cross them. And that is exactly what is happening with the rebuilt bridge across the river Tisa, which is supposed to bring together relatives, friends and former neighbours who have been divided throughout history by various political divisions. The film shows the long, often absurd fight of local inhabitants and politicians on their way to reconnecting two towns again after 50 years of separation - and their failure.
European Panorama 2005
Ileana Stanculescu
Romania / Germany 2004
75 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Ileana Stanculescu
Cinematography Nikola Wyrwich
Editing Klaudia Begic
Music Grupel Iza
Ileana Stanculescu Poet Macedonski Str. 8 010591 Bukarest Rumänien T +40 722 327496 ile-stancu@gmx.de