Podul De Flori

The Flower Bridge

The wife has left to work abroad, to repay their debts, pay for the children‘s education, repair the house... leaving the husband alone on their farm in Moldavia. Costică Arhir stakes his honor on bringing up his three children well. He supervises their studies, cuts their hair, reads to them and employs them on the farm, gets them to help with the housework and cooking. The mother‘s absence is offset by this collective organisation. With grace and humor this film depicts a situation, of compensating for an absence that is affecting a high percentage of families in Moldavia.

Director's Biography
Thomas Ciulei, geboren 1965 in Bukarest, Rumänien. Studierte Fotografie an der School of Visual Arts in New York und Dokumentarfilm an der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film in München, an der er seit 2000 auch unterrichtet. Er arbeitet als Regisseur, Produzent und Kameramann, vor allem an Dokumentarfilmen. Seine Dokumentation Asta e (2001) gewann mehrere Auszeichnungen.

Filme (Auswahl): Plays of light at the Maxim (1990, KF), Gratian (1995, KF), Nebunia capetelor (Facemania / Geisterwahn, 1997, Dok), Asta e (That‘ It, 2001, Dok)
European Panorama 2009
Thomas Ciulei
Romania / Germany 2008
87 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Thomas Ciulei
Cinematography Thomas Ciulei
Editing Alexandra Gulea
With Costică Arhir, Maria Arhir, Alexandra Arhir, Alexie Arhir
Produzent Thomas Ciulei Koproduktion Ciulei Films (DE), Studioul de Creatie al Ministerului Culturii (RO) Europolis Film SRL Tudor Arghezi Str., no 14 020945 Bukarest Rumänien T +40 21 316 8079 info@europolisfilm.com