Play Life Series
PLAY LIFE SERIES was made during a stay in Peking and leads to various film locations of Chinese soap opera productions. In the episodes Play Life Fight, Play Life Love, Play Life Art, occurrences on the set, such as the constant repetition of settings, are documented and condensed into dramatic productions.
Director's Biography
Ella Raidel, geb. 1970, studierte an der Kunstuniversität Linz und präsentierte ihre Arbeiten bereits auf internationalen Filmfestivals. //Filme (Auswahl): SLAM VIDEO MAPUTO (2009; CE '10), SUBVERSES CHINA IN MOZAMBIQUE (2010; CE' 11), PLAY LIFE SERIES (2011)
Local Artists 2012
Ella Raidel
China 2011
10 minutes
OV with English subtitles