Plan B - Die Schwester der Wunschvorstellung
In the film PLAN B, women are questioned about being a mother/woman. They talk about their decision to have a child, the socially defined mother role, the public and the private sphere, work, feelings of guilt, and much more. They take stock of the beginning period of motherhood in all its ambivalence. Represented as their animal equivalents, they wander around the wallpaper of domesticity.
Director's Biography
AGNES MIESENBERGER, geb. 1976 in Steyr, besuchte die HBLA für Kunstgewerbe und das Kolleg für Grafik-Design. 2012 Abschluss des Studiums an der Kunstuniversität Linz. // Filme (Auswahl): A MIDSUMMER NIGHTMARE (2008; CE '09), ALPENGLÜHEN (2008), PLAN B - DIE SCHWESTER DER WUNSCHVORSTELLUNG (2012)
Local Artists 2013
Agnes Miesenberger
Austria 2012
11 minutes