Pendant ce temps sur Terre
Meanwhile on Earth
Siblings Elsa and Franck were always very close. When Franck mysteriously disappeared during a space mission three years ago, everything changed for Elsa. Since then, the 23-year-old has struggled to move on with her life. One day she is contacted by an unidentified life form who offers to bring her brother back to Earth. But there is a price to pay ... (Berlinale)
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Pendant ce temps sur Terre (Meanwhile on Earth, 2024) - J’ai perdu mon corps (I Lost My Body, 2019) - Hundred Waters Innocent (2015, short) - Palmipedarium (2012, short) - Skhizein (2008, short)
Pendant ce temps sur Terre (Meanwhile on Earth, 2024) - J’ai perdu mon corps (I Lost My Body, 2019) - Hundred Waters Innocent (2015, short) - Palmipedarium (2012, short) - Skhizein (2008, short)
European Panorama Fiction 2024
Jérémy Clapin
France 2024
89 minutes
French OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Jérémy Clapin
Cinematography Robrecht Heyvaert
Editing Jean Christophe Bouzy
Sound/Sounddesign Vincent Piponnier
Music Dan Levy
With Megan Northam, Catherine Salée, Sam Louwyck, Roman Williams, Sofia Lesaffre
Producer(s) Marc du Pontavice
One World Films
World Sales
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Berlinale 2024